Un millésime estampillé Jamin

Le quotidien des Hauts-de-France Nord Littoral consacre ici une page à la Cuvée Gabriel 2020 dont l’étiquette est signée David Jamin Edition de Calais – Dimanche 20 décembre 2020


Reportage : Virginie – Récit : Virginie – Durée : 24min40


David Jamin, painter, exhibits everywhere in France and abroad. For this report, he opened the doors of his studio: “Le clos bohème” located in an old barn in Hame-Boucres (62) from 1998 to 2013.

Opal’TV – 10 /02/2012

Emission Tous Opale

Before leaving the Opal Coast to settle in Uzès, David was Jérémy Allébée’s guest for this program dedicated to Calaisis and recorded in Brêmes-les-Ardres (62).
