Exhibition “Variations” at Galerie Boisivon in Granville (50-France) – 2023

In Granville (50), from June 2 to July 3, 2023, the Boisivon Gallery devoted all of its walls to David’s paintings for an exhibition entitled “Variations”.

Our first vernissage was a real success, just reward for Olivier Boisivon who had for nearly a year built a singular collection of David’s paintings: his true “favorites” among many sometimes unpublished themes. The public came and appreciated this innovative approach from a gallery owner in France (this type of collection had previously been the habit of exhibitions in the UK or South Korea). Moreover, if you go through Normandy, do not hesitate to push the door of the Boisivon Gallery which continues today, even outside an event, to feed its collection of atypical pieces, including very large formats!




In South Korea,until April 27, 2023, the exhibition entitled “Le Dandy de Provence” takes place.

This event within the prestigious THE HYUNDAI presents a hundred and thirty works by David around several themes. Organized by Miri Shin of the Korea Economic Daily in South Korea, curator, and Julia Chung (Via Canvas Gallery – Seoul) this exhibition is mainly focused on the favorite character of David, the introportrait, and his recent floral inspirations: the theme “Prairies”, “Forgotten flowers” ​​and Provence through olive trees and tributes to Van Gogh in particular.

An unpublished collection is also presented: the portraits of some Korean stars: the director Chan-Wook Park, the footballer Heung-Min Son, the actress Yuh-jung Youn, the volleyball player Yeon-koung Kim and the skater Yuna Kim, and some paintings inspired by films by Chan-Wook Park: “Decision to leave” and “I am a cyborg”.

The ticket office is open to access this exhibition: HERE

For all information on this great event, on the works presented as well as on the book to be published, go to: www.viacanvas.kr



THE GREATEST is an unprecedented event that we have been preparing for several months on the initiative of a couple of entrepreneurs, collectors and sports fans. Thus, since the first evocation of this beautiful project, new “models” have been invited to the studio for the constitution of a collection of 38 canvases that their owners intend for an atypical course.

David has therefore been working for a few months on portraits of great international champions. The list of these giants of the sports world submitted by the sponsors is initially very impressive (more than a hundred names). Some of them are real celebrities, others much more discreet. All of them have a story to tell beyond their sporting performances. Because the sponsors wish above all to highlight exceptional personalities from the world of sport who have or have had a major influence on the evolution of our societies. These champions who have left a lasting mark on our world. After being conscientiously documented on each of them, David has created 38 portraits of sportsmen and sportswomen who have particularly inspired him.

The sponsors intend this singular collection for a very good action: after several exhibitions in France and Switzerland, the paintings have been brought together in one and the same place, in Switzerland, where an auction sale will take place: THE OLYMPIC MUSEUM in Lausanne. The profits from the sale of these works will then be donated to the LEMAN HOPE association. The mission of this association is to restore hope and confidence to children and adolescents recently affected by cancer. Thanks to cruises organized on Lake Geneva, it allows all these young people to rebuild themselves psychologically and regain the strength to move forward in life. THE GREATEST, which already benefits from many supporters whom we thank very warmly, therefore aims to support the action of LEMAN HOPE.

You too can contribute to the success of this international event.

To get all information about the exhibition and the auction sale:


The charity auction The Greatest for Léman hope is now online on Arteal, as well as on Drouot

This is the collection of 38 portraits of these great names in sport:


In South Korea, from January 5th to February 14th, 2021, the exhibition entitled NEW JOURNEY was taking place. This event, at Seoul Art Center, was a retrospective of David’s work. Organized by Julia Chung (Via Canvas Gallery – Seoul) and Jade Media, this “journey” through the different themes explored by David over the past 20 years was presented as a getaway in Provence: the organizers wanted their event to be an alternative to the health context which prevents us from traveling around the world. Visitors therefore “travelled” to Uzès and an impressive reconstruction of certain parts of the workshop and our gallery was proposed to them throughout the exhibition.





Nous l’attendions avec impatience… Voici la Cuvée Gabriel du Domaine de la Valériane !
Une belle rencontre et la naissance d’un portrait peint par David: celui de Gabriel, le fils de la vigneronne. Ce portrait figure sur l’étiquette de la cuvée qui lui est dédiée.
Côtes du Rhône Villages blanc aux arômes délicatement boisés où se mêlent des notes de fruits confits et de miel.
L’élevage de 10 mois en demi-muids (fûts de chêne de 600L) apporte à ce vin une belle rondeur et une remarquable persistance aromatique.


S’agissant donc d’une ÉDITION LIMITÉE, nous vous conseillons de ne pas trop tarder si vous souhaitez commander ce blanc haut de gamme!

Il est à présent disponible en avant-première au Domaine à Domazan (30) et peut bien-sûr être livré partout en France comme à l’Etranger.

Pour toute information :
tel: +33 (0)4 66 57 04 84

Un millésime estampillé Jamin

Le quotidien des Hauts-de-France Nord Littoral consacre ici une page à la Cuvée Gabriel 2020 dont l’étiquette est signée David Jamin Edition de Calais – Dimanche 20 décembre 2020


Reportage : Virginie – Récit : Virginie – Durée : 24min40


David Jamin, painter, exhibits everywhere in France and abroad. For this report, he opened the doors of his studio: “Le clos bohème” located in an old barn in Hame-Boucres (62) from 1998 to 2013.

Opal’TV – 10 /02/2012

Emission Tous Opale

Before leaving the Opal Coast to settle in Uzès, David was Jérémy Allébée’s guest for this program dedicated to Calaisis and recorded in Brêmes-les-Ardres (62).
